To travel is like a feather in the wind, the adventure is unknown until you arrive at the destination


About Us | Accommodation In Clarens

Clarens Destinations offers a truly professional booking and information service. Excellent local knowledge combined with years of reservations experience makes your visit to Clarens a hassle-free, enjoyable experience. For all booking requirements, including accommodation and activities, you need only make one phone call, e-mail or fax and it won't cost you anything extra! Your query will be handled quickly and efficiently. All accommodation on this web site has been personally visited and every aspect can be discussed in detail. Your every requirement will be fully discussed and taken into consideration when handling your query. The prices and services quoted on this web site are subject to change and will be confirmed during the booking process.

Fran Zaaiman

Tel: 058 256 1542 / 1189  •  Sias Oosthuizen Street, Clarens 9707

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